Adrian Beaudin - NAC President's Message 2019-2020


Dear ASHRAE Northern Alberta Chapter Members and guests to our website;

I am honored and privileged to serve as your Chapter President for the 2019-2020 term and very fortunate to be teamed up with an enthusiastic and supportive Board of Governors. Together, we are eager to kick-off the season. As a team we strive to enhance the role of our Chapter in our Society.

I am excited and will be looking forward to the Chapter program of events. This year’s agenda will consist of: intuitive lunch and dinner meetings with special guest speakers and DL’s, social events, Christmas Bureau fundraiser dinner event, NAC Golf Classic, Lobsterfest, YEA Socials, diversity in ASHRAE and several other events throughout, including hosting the ASHRAE Chapter Regional Conference - Chaired by Kent Signorini.

The success and mere existence of our Chapter does not happen unless we have the support of our members. Members that consist of Consultants, Owners, Contractors and Suppliers. Our chapter is extremely lucky to have your support. This support must continue to grow and evolve. We need to spark and strengthen that sense of community. I encourage those of you in the industry to sign-up and become a member.

Please feel free to reach out to myself or any of the board members with questions, suggestions or recommendations for new recruits. I’m excited to get the season rolling and look forward to engaging all of you in serving our Chapter.

 Best Regards,

Adrian Beaudin