Michael Ream - NAC President's Message 2018-2019


Dear ASHRAE NAC Chapter Members:

It is an honor and a privilege to be able to serve as the Chapter President for the 2018-2019 year.

As we look forward to this new year, I would like to take a moment and thank Wes Bruce and all of the other Past Presidents for their leadership and commitment to the chapter. Without them, we would not have the dynamic chapter that we have today.

ASHRAE was formed as the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers by the merger in 1959 of American Society of Heating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHAE) which was founded in 1894 and The American Society of Refrigerating Engineers (ASRE) founded in 1904.

What started in 1959 as an organization with 18,000 members has grown into a global society of over 50,000 with members on every continent in the world.  While the long-term goals of ASHRAE have evolved since then, the one thing that has remained constant is the hard work and dedication of the volunteers that have served over the years.

I hope that everyone has had a good summer and is looking forward to an exciting year coming up. We’ve got some interesting speakers, training courses as well as social events planned for this year.

My involvement with ASHRAE started over 15 years ago. I started by attending meetings based on topics that were of professional interest. From there I was able to enjoy the social and networking aspects of the meetings and that has evolved into becoming an active member of the board.

To the returning members of the Board and Committee Chairs, I appreciate your continued support of our local chapter; to the new members, I am excited to be working with you in the upcoming year.

I’m looking forward seeing all of you at the meetings throughout the year. I ask for your continued support of the chapter by attending the meetings, donations to the Research Promotion campaign, networking at the social events and sharing your technical expertise.

Michael Ream, P.Eng.